The Power to Vaccinate: UPS Solutions for Vaccine Refrigerators

Power Control
18 Jan 2023

A medical refrigerator is a specialised type of refrigerator designed to store medical supplies, including vaccines and other temperature-sensitive medications, at a specific temperature range. This is necessary to ensure the safety and efficacy of the stored medication. Medical refrigerators may also be referred to as vaccine refrigerators or pharmacy refrigerators and are typically used in hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities, as well as in laboratories and research centres.


UPS systems for vaccine refrigerators are critical components in the storage and transportation of vaccines. These systems ensure that the vaccines are kept at the correct temperature, which is crucial for their efficacy. This article will discuss the importance of UPS systems for vaccine refrigerators, the different types of systems available, and the key factors to consider when selecting the right UPS system for your needs.


The Cold Chain, The NHS and Wasted Vaccinations

The “cold chain” refers to the process of maintaining the cold temperature of vaccines from the time of manufacture to the point of administration. This includes storage and transportation. The cold chain is essential to ensuring the efficacy and safety of vaccines, as they are highly sensitive to temperature changes. A break in the cold chain can result in spoiled or ineffective vaccines, rendering them useless.


Wasting vaccines can have significant consequences for the NHS and the patients it serves. Not only does it slow down the immunisation of people against preventable diseases, but it also leads to financial losses for the NHS. Wasted vaccines represent a significant investment of public funds.


In order to reduce the wastage of vaccines, the NHS ‘Green Book’ was developed which provides guidance for the NHS on the safe and effective use of vaccines. It includes recommendations on the storage, handling, and administration of vaccines, as well as referencing the cold chain and the importance of maintaining the correct temperature of vaccines.


One of the key recommendations in the NHS Green Book is the need for a reliable power supply system to ensure that vaccines can still be accessed during a power outage. Without a UPS provision in place, during a power outage, the refrigerator cannot be opened. Keeping the door closed, the fridge should hold the temperature for up to 4 hours. If an outage lasts longer than 4 hours the vaccines will be wasted.


UPS systems for vaccine refrigerators play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of the cold chain. They ensure the vaccines are kept at the correct temperature, even during power outages, surges, or other electrical disturbances. The refrigeration system remains operational, keeping the vaccines at the appropriate temperature even when no mains power exists. Using a UPS system will also minimise waste and ensure that the vaccines are safe and effective.


Type of UPS systems for Vaccine Refrigerators

There are several different types of UPS systems for vaccine refrigerators, each with their own set of features and benefits. The most common types of system include:


Offline UPS: An offline UPS system provides basic protection against power outages and surges. It is the most cost-effective option, but it does not provide as much protection as other types of systems.


Line interactive UPS: A line interactive UPS system provides a high level of protection than an offline UPS. It used a voltage regulator to stabilise the voltage and provide protection against power outages and surges.


Online double conversion UPS: An online UPS system provides the highest level of protection against power outages and surges. It uses double conversion to provide a clean and stable power supply to the refrigeration system.


The CertaUPS range of UPS systems from Power Control is a popular choice for backing up vaccine refrigerators. Available as line interactive or online double conversion and starting at 800VA, the range is ideal for supporting all sizes of vaccine fridges and budgets. Their high efficiency, small footprint and expandable design also contribute to their appeal in the sector.


Key Factors to Consider When Selecting a UPS System

Whether it’s simply backing up the contact alarm and acting as an alert to the practice owner or backing up the vaccine fridge, providing 8-10+ hours of autonomy, there are a number of considerations to be made before the correct UPS can be determined.


  • Power capacity: The UPS should be capable of providing enough power to keep the refrigerator running during the expected power outage. It should handle the refrigerator’s power consumption and be compatible with the voltage requirements.


  • Runtime: The runtime of the UPS system should be sufficient to provide power for the duration of a power outage. The runtime required will depend on the outage's duration and the vaccine refrigerator's size.


  • Temperature settings: Medical refrigerators are typically set to a specific temperature range to ensure that the stored items are kept at safe temperatures. The UPS should be able to maintain this temperature range during a power outage.


  • Surge protection: Medical refrigerators are sensitive equipment and should be protected from power surges and voltage spikes. The UP should have built-in surge protection to protect the refrigerator from damage.


  • Alarm and monitoring: Medical refrigerators should have alarms and monitoring systems that can alert the user if the temperature inside the fridge rises above safe levels. The UPS should be able to integrate with these alarms and monitoring systems.


  • Battery replacement: The UPS batteries will degrade over time and will need to be replaced. The UPS should be designed for easy battery replacement to minimise downtime and ensure continuity of power.


  • Size and weight: The size and weight of the UPS system should be appropriate for the space in which it will be installed.


  • Budget: The price of the UPS system should be reasonable and within your budget.


Next Steps

UPS systems for vaccine refrigerators are critical components in the storage and transportation of vaccines. They ensure that the vaccines are kept at the correct temperature, which is crucial for their efficacy. When selecting a UPS system, it is important to consider the power capacity, run time, battery life, size and weight, and price. An online double conversion UPS system provides the highest level of protection against power outages and surges and is considered the best option for vaccine refrigerators.


It is highly recommended to work with a UPS professional and the manufacturer of the refrigerator to determine the specific requirements and ensure the UPS will meet all specifications and regulations. For more information, please visit, email or call the office on 01246 431431