UPS Relocation & Disposal

Power Control can assist in the relocation of your UPS and Battery solution

  • UPS Relocation

    In order to relocate a UPS solution, it must first be decommissioned then transported safely to its new location and re-commissioned with the associated batteries and electrical ancillaries.

    Power Control's are highly proficient in this process and have the correct training to ensure the seamless relocation of the electrical infrastructure. We work with a team of trust worthy electrical contractors should any additional pieces of equipment need moving

  • UPS Disposal

    Before a UPS can be disposed of, it must first be safely decommissioned. Power Control engineers are experienced in the decommissioning process and our expert logistics team will pack and palletise the old UPS and batteries for transportation and disposal in line with Special Waste Regulations 1996.

  • Why choose Power Control

    • Power Control can arrange an out of hours relocation and disposal service to minimise disruption to the site.
    • Power Control can provide this service for all major UPS brands.
    • The team are highly experienced in the process having carried out numerous relocation and disposal jobs.
    • The team works to the ISO procedures and certifications to assure the highest quality of service and to ensure they are in compliance with health and safety regulation.